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It's the Law Office of Faye Blackheart & Speakeasy. A little law...a little libations. Come drink your legal woes away and enjoy some al fresco dining on the back patio. Rez enabled and parking available (30 minute return).

The Drowned Mouse is a public arcade, bar, and hangout location for all Bellisserian residents, prospective residents, and visitors! Here you'll find fun things to do with your friends, including functioning arcade games, board games, bumper boats, and a riding horse rezzer! Open to the public 24 hours!
Attention Pilots, sailors, taxis and Bellisseria Community
Bellisseria now has a travel service group. Join "Bellisseria Travel Services" to offer a traveling experience to the Belllisseria community...Bellisseria community please join to request and accept invitations to travel anywhere through the Bellisseria continent and beyond.
Join us today to add to your community living experience.
CONTACT : Tyson Lefevre
Bellisserian Public Services
Police Department
Vehicular Endangerment & Destruction of Public Property
May 19, 2019 @ 1.59PM SLT - Police received a report of a car being wildly driven up and down the roads in New Bigby, Bellisseria. The car was later located, nose down in a canal. Heart Chiuh is being sought for questioning regarding the damages to sidewalks, mailboxes, several fences, and a number of nervous breakdowns. Over consumption of pickles is suspected to have occurred before the wild drive ensued, witnesses say.
Domestic Disturbance
May 20, 2019 @ 8:00AM SLT - Received call from neighbor about screaming and loud noises from house next door. Upon investigation, officers were able to discover that Mr. Chase of 5268 Libria Drive was in a dispute with his wife, regarding his eating all the bacon in the middle of the night. According to Mrs. Chase, he was “in the dog house for sure”, over the theft. Officers were able to calm both Mr. & Mrs. Chase down eventually.
Search & Investigate
May 21, 2019 @ 6:10PM SLT - numerous reports of people finding pieces of a boat drifting to shore received. A few good men from the force were sent out to investigate.
NOTE: Chief has advised that the findings are to be kept quiet, since the public cannot handle the truth of what it could be.
May 22, 2019 @ 7:35AM SLT - Officers were sent out to investigate complaints of missing cereal from the Wavecrest neighborhoods. After questioning several people, officers noted a similarity in all their stories, about cereal gone missing. No witnesses or suspects at present time.
Squirrely Thief
May 23, 2019 @ 3:39PM SLT - A call was received regarding some stolen cupcakes from the local cafe. According to statements made, the squirrel snuck into the cafe, scooped up a cupcake, leaving an acorn behind, as it made its way out of the door. Several minutes later, the squirrel returned and took the acorn away. Residents are being asked to be on the lookout for a squirrel with a sweet tooth. To help deal with this, it’s being recommend to leave some acorns and/or peanuts out, to help keep the squirrels at bay.
May 23, 2019 @ 9:36PM SLT - Reports of a man lurking outside a home on Heirlong Street. Officers were dispatched and located the gentleman, a Mr. Trevor who was cleaning his ex-wife’s windows. He was doing the work in lieu of paying child support to Mrs. Thelma.
May 23, 2019 @ 10:05PM SLT - A number of reports were received by dispatch of a strange individual peeping in windows. Officers were sent out to take reports and statements from the witnesses and check the neighborhood. One witness was able to provide a photo of the offender to the officers, which appears to be of an auberge. Please refer to photo for identification purposes.
May 23, 2019 @ 10:35PM SLT - Another round of complaints was received regarding the peeping auberge, in another neighborhood. The witnesses stated though that the auberge was not alone but had company this time, a carrot. Region wide alert is issued to be on the alert for this pair of rotten veggies.

Coast Guard
Missing Pet lost in waterways
May 19, 2019 @ 9:24AM SLT - Received a call of a missing pet fish lost in the back channel of the Bellisseria new Houseboat division. Upon further questioning, it was discovered the pet fish was a Great White Shark. Captain of the BCG Orca Cutter, was heard to say that they were going to need a bigger net, as they left the harbor. They have not been heard from since Sunday.
Note: Bellisseria Police inquired about pieces of boat found on May 21st, along the coast line.
Building Commission
Building Permit request
May 20, 2019 @ 10:00AM SLT - Received application from a Mrs. Chase of 5268 Libria Drive to commence building a fairly large dog house. Please have inspector check property to ensure the size of the land is large enough to accommodate the size being requested.
License Issued
May 21, 2019 @ 9:00AM SLT - Inspectors Report received. Several modifications were recommended and size brought down to acceptable parameters for a dog house at 5268 Libria Drive. License has been issued.