Buttacwup Pwincess (seanabrady)
It is safe to say that Bellisseria is a huge success, and has ushered in a whole new level of excitement in Second Life. Every day we hear stories of people setting up an auto-refresh on the Linden Homes page trying their luck at snagging one of the coveted properties. People are sharing countless photos, hosting impromptu gatherings, and generally building a community one day at a time.
Second Life's 16th birthday is underway, and along with the celebration came our first peek at the new model's of Linden Homes coming soon to Bellisseria. It is quiet the birthday present to all of the residents of Bellisseria. I had a chance to talk with Patch Linden about how things are coming along in Bellissera and what we can expect with the new homes.
Much of this information will be available today, at 2:00 pm SLT, in Patch's Meet the Linden’s event at SL16B, as well as on the Second Life forums, but I am thrilled to bring you some of these details here. Many of us have been watching the work going on over the last several weeks in Bellisseria. It has been so fun to watch, speculate, and wait for the new homes to be available. Patch told me this is, "mostly in an effort to show all of you some of the process we go through in real-time to make these beautiful new regions come to life."
I am happy to pass along the news from Patch that Linden Lab and Linden Department of Public Works are going to strive to bring a new region of Linden homes online every other day moving forward. Patch said, "we may have some gaps which could last anywhere between a day to several days and especially on the weekends," but the increased deployment rate should make those waiting for new homes very happy. This new plan was alluded to in my original interview with Patch, and we have seen the hard work of the Linden's and the Moles carry this one through.
New homes are not all though. Linden Lab is excited to announce the first community events area for Bellisseria which they are calling the Bellisseria Fairgrounds. Patch described the fairgrounds as, " Our vision for this space is to grant communal access to an area that is clear and ready for the set-up of an event. We are going to supply the outlying basic infrastructure which includes water taxi access to the main continent, an airstrip and landing pad." Linden Lab is setting up some tools to allow groups to schedule the area, and this will serve as the venue for some of the upcoming July 4th activities. Public space is something that has been on the wishlist for many residents since the very early days of Bellisseria, and I am super excited to see how it all comes together.
Let's Circle back around to SL16B and the new Campers & Trailers. I chatted briefly with Patch to get some additional details. Initially, we will see these new homes introduced as part of a large release. The first release will happen within the next few months. The new trailers will have one difference from the existing Bellisseria homes in that they will be on 512 sqm parcels instead of the 1024 parcels seen today.
So much continues to happen. I encourage everyone to participate in one of the phenomenal Bellisseria groups. They are an excellent source of information and frequented by both Linden Lab employees and Moles. Watch the forum's for new information, though Patch did mention that going forward only the major releases will warrant new post updates. The weekly releases will not be announced.
What will come next? Your guess is as good as mine. We can be sure that Patch and his team will continue steaming along. I asked him this morning and he simply replied with, “Choo, Choo!”